This Year’s Pre-Buy Program isĀ closed – Click Here for Today’s Oil Price
Prebuy Heating Oil PlanĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
Members can lock in their fuel price for the year by pre-purchasing their fuel. Pre-buy plans are good for people who want the security of knowing their price is fixed and will not change throughout the year. This is a great option for people who want to pay for their gallons up front and not have a recurring monthly fuel bill.Ā
- Your heating oil price is fixed from July 1st until May 31st of the following year or until the gallons you prepurchased are used up, whichever comes first.
- If the market goes up or down, your price remains the same.
*Important Information for Will Call or On Hold Customers:
Any customers that choose to be on Will Call or On Hold are responsible for contacting the Co-op to schedule any deliveries. If you want to go on automatic delivery, you MUST email the co-op to be changed to automatic delivery. On Hold or Will Call customers that request a delivery or sign up for prebuy, will NOT change your account to an automatic delivery. To avoid extra fees, you MUST notify the Co-op 7-10 business days in advance of your needed delivery. If you run out of fuel and need a delivery before our scheduled route in your area, a $75 restart fee and a $200 special delivery fee will apply, effective July 1st , 2024.