By Brian Gray
50 years ago, 90% of the homes in Vermont were primarily heated with oil. Today, that percentage is down to 43%. When the market for heating oil is declining, what does it mean for companies that sell heating oil, like the Energy Co-op?
You may have heard the Energy Co-op call itself “A Different Kind of Energy Company”. Unlike for-profit companies that sell heating oil , we don’t consider delivering heating oil our primary goal. Because of our cooperative business model, our goal is not to maximize profit, but to provide the best value and benefits possible.
What does this mean for our members? Simply put, it’s what we call the “cooperative advantage”. Because our members are also owners, we work for YOU.
- Instead of trying to sell you MORE fossil fuel, we want you to use less.
- Our staff is trained to navigate the confusing equipment options and available rebates and then help you decide which upgrades and investments in your home’s efficiency will give you the best “bang for your buck”.
- We have payment and budget plan options that manage the risk of spiking oil prices and the monthly costs of keeping your home safe and warm in the coldest months.
- Our member services team and emergency service technicians are there when you need them. When you call us, you’ll always talk with a “real” person who knows your account history.
Our dedication to the reduction of fossil fuel use and fighting climate change begins right here at home – your home. Finding ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs always comes first.
It’s easy to say that the advantage of joining the Co-op is that you’ll save 13¢ a gallon on heating fuel and you’ll easily save your $12.00 annual membership fee on your first fuel delivery. But beyond that, as a member of the Energy Co-op, the important advantage is that you can rely on us to be your “energy coach”, where winning means achieving the highest efficiency score possible for your household and ultimately for the vibrant Vermont community that we call home.