The Co-op Guardian Service Plan is available to our members for just $265* for a full year's coverage.

- A complete system tune-up. Regular tune-ups extend equipment life, help prevent break-downs and keep warranties in effect. We go through your entire heating system, replace your nozzle and oil filter, (spin-on filters not included)
- Efficiency test. We run this test to make sure your heating equipment is running at peak efficiency. You'll save up to 10% on your heating, adjust your burner for the best performance and conduct a full safety check.
- 25% off after-hours emergency calls, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 25% off all repairs. This includes all parts and labor for the entire year covered by the Co-op Guardian Plan.
- A one year warranty on all our parts and a free annual assessment of your heating system.

You may enroll in the Guardian Service Plan at any time of year. To sign up, download this form, read the terms and conditions, then fill out and sign the form. Mail it to us at: PO Box 111, Colchester, VT 05446 or scan with your signature and e-mail it to info@ecvt.net. If you have any questions, please call us at 802-860-4090 or fill out the contact form on this page.
*Price Effective July 1st 2024. Price is subject to change.
By Brian Gray
In Vermont, assuring that your home is safe and comfortable is particularly important in the winter months. Nearly every homeowner has at least one horror story about...